Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ma'aleh Rechavam Celebrates 6th Anniversary

Hoshana Rabba 5768

From Israel National News:

Ma'aleh Rechavam Celebrates 6th Anniversary

( The hilltop community of Maaleh Rechavam, located near the Herodion in eastern Gush Etzion and just south of Jerusalem, will be celebrating the sixth anniversary of its founding Tuesday evening.

At 5:30 PM, a sunset tour of the area is being offered, at 6:30 PM the inauguration of a new central square is taking place and from 7:30 PM onward a barbecue and music will last "to the wee hours," according to residents.

Maaleh Rechavam is currently threatened with destruction by the Olmert government.

Min. Rachvam Ze'eviMa'aleh Rechavam is an Avodah Ivrit community in the Gush Etzion area of Judea. It is named for the murdered Minister of Tourism Rechavam Ze'evi (Moledet Party).

Like many towns in Judea and Samaria, Ma'aleh Rechavam incurs continued harassment from anti-Israel organizations.

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